Arcadia Vineyards
IIn 2002, when we started designing Arcadia Vineyards, we prioritized the Aegean and Thrace regions which have a long history of winemaking and viticulture. In time, our search for a location for the vineyards turned north. We traveled to every corner of Thrace and drove about 15,000 km, collected samples for soil analysis and analyzed long-term climate data. After extensive research, we were very excited about the current site of Arcadia Vineyards, which is located in the region between the north of Lüleburgaz and the Strandja Mountains, due to its suitable microclimate and its geographical structure. Together with our consultants, we put all the data in front of us and realized that this was the most suitable terroir for our project. After finding our location, we planted our vineyards at the end of an intensive period of soil preparation and variety selection. On old maps there is an ancient path called "The Wine Route" to the west of Arcadia Vineyards, passing through Üsküp village to İğneada and Kıyıköy. Historically, it is known that the wines produced here were taken to İğneada and Kıyıköy in large barrels on carts, where they were loaded onto ships and sent to Italy and France.
The history of viticulture in Thrace (Trakya in Turkish) dates back to ancient times. In his epic poem Iliad, Homer mentioned the wines produced here. Located at the east end of Thrace, Kırklareli has been known for its vineyards and wines for centuries, however the vineyards have diminished over time and winemaking has come to the point of extinction. There is a historical road built to carry wine to Kıyıköy through the little-known old villages of Kırklareli. Historically, it is known that the wines produced here were taken to Kıyıköy in large cubes and barrels in buffalo carts, loaded onto ships and sent to Venice and Marseille. These roads, which passed through Üsküp village to İğneada and Kıyıköy, where wines were transported to the ports, are mentioned as "Wine Route" on old maps.
The Historic Wine Route is located behind the village of Çeşmekolu, directly across Arcadia Vineyards. The land where Arcadia Vineyards is located is referred to as Bağlık Yakası ( in Turkish the Vineyard Slope) on old maps. In the late 19th century, the majority of the vineyards in France were destroyed by the spread of phylloxera and had to be replanted with saplings grafted on American rootstock. For the next 5 years, until these newly planted vineyards yielded sufficiently, most of France's wine needs were met with bulk wine from Thrace and the Aegean, as part of a framework of capitulations with the Ottoman Empire. It is known that wine was also exported to France from Kırklareli during this period. The main purpose of the Arcadia Vineyards project is to revive this dormant potential—to produce natural and original, world-class Terroir Wines that reflect the special flavors of this land and the grapes grown in the region. We hope to ensure these wines reach the world again, as in history, that local grape will thrive, creating wines that live until being drunk and enjoyed, from the region where the Historical Wine Road passes in Northeastern Thrace.
The village where the vineyards are located is in Lüleburgaz. The old name of Lüleburgaz from the Eastern Roman Empire era is Arcadiapolis. Also in mythology, Arcadia means "a garden of unique beauty resembling paradise on earth". We have named our vineyards Arcadia Vineyards because of the local history and mythological meaning that suited the soul of our project very well. Our family name being Arca, came as a bonus.
Arcadia Vineyards is located in the middle of Thrace on land where the antique Wine Route once
passed, between the villages of Çeşmekolu and Hamitabat, stretching south of the Istranca
Mountains. It is planted at an altitude of 150 meters, in a location with continental climate
characteristics and high day and night temperature differences.
Taking advantage of the soil structure, climatic conditions and being located in a
special geography in the northwestern tip of Turkey, we produce a range of
unmanipulated terroir wines in Arcadia, including white, rosé, red, sparkling and
noble rot sweet wines, all of them estate bottled.